Gathering as a family, throughout the week, is an integral part of how we live as God’s people.

We encourage everyone to connect with a small group, and we have many running during the week, online, and in person. You can contact Roger Ellis to find a suitable group near you.

Ensure that you are on our mailing list, by contacting Tina in the office.


8:30am Eucharist

Start the week, with a traditional eucharist, hymns and a social coffee at Muffin Break after the morning tea!

10am Family Service

Our family friendly service with a time of worship, readings and our amazing childrens ministry

5pm - Evensong

1st & 3rd Sundays

Our evensong service is a reflective service for prayer, song and Psalms

5pm - Holy Trinity

2nd Sundays

Once a month, we gather in this heritage gem in Ohariu Valley.

Join us.

…and grow together during the week

Making time for a weekly connection with others, with God, and ourselves. Join us!

You have a seat at the table…

AAW - Women’s Gp | first Thurs | Contact Pat V

AAW - Women’s Gp | first Thurs | Contact Pat V

Prayer Rhythms | Weds 7-7.30am | 40 Halswater Drive

Men’s Group | Monthly Friday eve | tbc

Men’s Group | Monthly Friday eve | tbc

Home groups | various times | various homes

Prayer Group | Wednesdays 6pm | Jville Homes

Prayer Group | Wednesdays 6pm | Jville Homes

Worship - enjoy in abundance at home for now.

Worship Team

Men’s Group | Weeknight | Churton Pk

Youth Group (Yr 7-10) | Friday 7-9pm | SJ Hall


Kids Connect…

Kids Church

Sunday mornings @ 10am

As part of our family service on a Sunday we have an amazing childrens ministry team who lead & teach our children and of course have fun!

Mainly Music

Tuesday mornings @ 9:30am*

7Up Church

Sunday mornings @10am*

Get involved…


Child Rescue | Karen Norman

Healing Rooms | Rev John Daysh

Churtonleigh Rest Home | Karen Norman


Be informed…

If you would like it to be emailed to you every Sunday, please get in touch with Tina in the office.